Throughout the season there are dozens of games almost every weekend and several tournaments. Sometimes it can be tricky to know when everything starts and stops, so we have provided a link to a general overview of the season. Note these dates are subject to change based on weather.
While there are plenty of events going on all over the state, there is also plenty going on locally. We have provided a list of tournaments that are local to the midlands area, so you know when to block off your calendar as we have plenty of games for all these weekends.
ENCL is a great way to get experience with higher-level games. ENCL is a national level league and as such there are tournaments all over the region. However, tournaments are played in the state and area as well. Click here for the boy's ENCL schedule.
ENCL is a great way to get experience with higher-level games. ENCL is a national level league and as such there are tournaments all over the region. However, tournaments are played in the state and area as well. Click here for the girl ENCL schedule.